Adult Leadership

As a Parent or Guardian, How Involved Can I Be?

Rainbow would not exist anywhere in the world if it were not for the outstanding group of adults that play such a pivotal role within the organization. Rainbow Adults are mentors, leaders, and most importantly, friends to each Rainbow Girl. 

Adults are always welcome at our activities, whether they are meetings or fun. We encourage parents to enjoy Rainbow with their daughters and to help them develop bonds with the girls and adults of the assembly.

The great thing about the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is that you can be as involved as much you like. We encourage all parents and adults to experience Rainbow with their daughters, nieces, and granddaughters. From enjoying our planned activities to traveling with the Assembly to trips up and down our own state and sometimes in different states or countries.

Parents, grandparents, and legal guardians can be present at Rainbow meetings and can become members of Advisory Boards. Advisors in Rainbow are background checked and have to take annual advisor and child protection classes. Every Assembly has a group of adults who serve as advisors, helping the girls to learn ritual, plan their events and to be trusted confidants

As a member of one of the many Masonic fraternal groups, how can I help?

Any member of the Masonic Family may support our Rainbow Girls whether by attending a meeting, serving as an advisor or in any other way needed by the local Assembly.  The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is unique from other youth organizations as it truly is part of a much larger family that can help guide and mentor our members for years to come.

As a Mason, Eastern Star, Amaranth, or any other Masonic group, you and your spouse may attend Rainbow meetings to support our youth.  To learn more about Rainbow or to invite a member to your next stated meeting, please reach out to us!